Welcome to our Website!
For assistance during business hours, please contact Nanci Hawkins at 208-765-5600. Dial 9-1-1 for Fire, Medical or Police Emergencies.
Our budget and summary for 2025 are available. Please visit the 'Financials' page to view or download a copy. (10/24)
Bark Beetle Damage
Your board of Directors has posted an informative US Forest Service publication regarding the impact of bark beetles on trees. Please visit the 'Board Messages' page to view or download the document. (09/18)
CC&Rs Compliance Document
The document outlining procedures for dealing with CC&R violations has been posted. Please visit the 'HOA Documents' page to view or download a copy. (7/21)
There have been numerous cougar sightings in our neighborhood. It is recommended to not walk alone, keep dogs on leashes, make noise while walking, be cautious at dawn and dusk when cougars are most active, and do not feed wildlife.
In the unlikely event of a cougar encounter, it will most likely retreat. Always give wild animals a way to escape, maintain direct eye contact and appear as large as possible, pick up children and hold them without bending, slowly back away, never run, and fight back if necessary.
Delivery Notice to Harbor View Owners
Many on-line vendors (Amazon, eBay, Walmart) are using third party contractors to deliver their packages. This is known as “last mile delivery”. When this happens those contractors simply have an address. They do not have vendor codes for our gates and therefore cannot access our neighborhood.
When ordering goods, make sure to provide contact information so the delivery person can possibly get contact information from the vendor and contact you to gain entry to our community. (1/22)
Harbor View Estates does not have authority to control operation of drones in our community, which are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration. We are providing a link to the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems website for further information. Complaints regarding unlawful operation of drones should be referred to the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office.
Year-to-date financial statements (P&L and Balance Sheet) for the period ending last month are usually available on-line within 10 business days. Please visit the 'Financials' page to view or download a copy. Annual budget information is also available. (03/24)
Gate Operations Letter
To read the Harbor View Gate Operations letter please click here. (9/23)
All regularly scheduled meetings are held at the Mica Flats Grange (Hwy #95 & Kidd Island Road) at 6:00 PM. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings may be held telephonically, outdoors, or at the the Grange. The dates for 2025 are: February 19, April 8, August 12, Oct 14, Dec 9.
Our next Annual Membership Meeting & Election is scheduled for June 10, 2025, 7:00 PM, with registration beginning at 6:00 PM.
If you wish to to be heard at a meeting, please submit a request to be on the agenda no later than ten days in advance to provide time for researching your topic. Draft agendas will be posted on the 'Upcoming Meeting Agenda' page, and at the mail kiosk, approximately ten days in advance. Final agendas will be posted several days in advance. (1/25)
Draft copies of Meeting Minutes are usually available on-line ten days after the meeting. Visit the 'Meeting Minutes' page to view or download a copy. Finals will be posted after BOD approval at the next scheduled meeting. (1/25)
The Mica Kidd Island Fire District, in accordance with State and Federal Regulations, encourages installation of Emergency 911 address signs at all homes within Harbor View Estates. They are available for resident owners in the district at no cost, and are blue metal with reflective number decals on both sides. If you would like a sign, or have questions, please contact their office at 208-769-7946.
The Idaho Fish and Game Department discourages supplemental feeding of big game (deer, elk, moose), and Harbor View Estates supports this policy. Click here to view or download an IF&G publication on this topic.
The HVE Water & Sewer District is a separate entity, and is not affiliated with our HOA. They release annual 'Consumer Confidence Reports' to provide details of where our water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. Their latest report is available here. The Rate Schedule is available here.
The District has requested our support to mitigate operational costs by being careful what you discard in the sewer system. An informative flyer 'What Not to Flush' is available here. Flushing items other than body waste and toilet paper adds thousands of dollars to operational costs, paid for by each of us.
To view the new resolution click HERE to view Ordinance # 47
Contacts: Office, 208-676-8626; George Ford, Supt., 208-964-0131; and Corrine Johnson, Service Operator, 208-661-7866. (05/23)
The boat dock, located just off the Harbor View Estates community beach, is not a part of our HOA. The boat slips and dock are owned and maintained by a separate entity, the Harbor View Boat Association. Their membership consists of both Harbor View Estates and Stevens Point Estates property owners. Please respect their property rights by not trespassing on the dock.
Membership in the boat association (i.e., ownership of slip interest) may, from time to time, become available to HVE and SPE owners. Interested parties may contact the boat association at 208-818-2496 or 208-664-9198.